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PwC India Offices


Revitalizing workspace experience

Our branded environments for PwC transform its brand guidelines into living workspace culture using lively and intelligent communications to reinforce its corporate message. Starting with Gurgaon, we evolved the brand ethos to Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Mumbai. Each facility has its unique interpretation based on the common brand guidelines, defining the environment like a dialect defines a place.

What is ‘The PwC Way’?

PwC wanted to deliver its corporate message in a manner that stays fresh day after day, despite repeated viewing. The brand story would have to translate across PwC offices in India. Yet, each facility should have its unique image and method of expression.

How did we redesign PwC’s ‘Connected Thinking’ message?

From the idea of environment graphics as aesthetic additions to the space containing the incentives, we imagined a space where people became actively immersed with the ethos of PwC. We started with the PwC message of ‘connected thinking’ to create a dynamic narrative. There would be a series of puzzles, which tease and invite PwC employees and visitors, drawing us closer. These are supported by interactive games which enable viewer participation, and not just passive viewing.

In the Waiting Lounge at Bangalore, visitors can spend their time making connections. They can guess how each word relates to the number 6, the floor number.

Words and typographic explorations became the primary model for evolving brand expression. Thinking about and finding connections happen by nudging users to play, create and keep minds active.

The PwC Experience

Direct messaging was used to reinforce the more plastic communications, creating a balance between fixed and dynamic learning. The PwC experience changed how branding could go beyond translating directives into a more emotive and charged ambiance, where the design solution encourages interactions with the environment.


Ajay Sharma
George John
Mohan Godwal
Saurabh Wadhwa
Anthony Lopez


Raj Kishore Gupta
Chetan Kaushik


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