
We are excited to bring you the Lopez Design Newsletter post GST – EVERYTHING DESIGN.

Design is all encompassing and we call it – everything design. As designers, we get a bird’s eye view of the bigger picture and yet we also have the capability for fine detailing or micro-management at the other end. We have grown ourselves purposefully as a cross-disciplinary firm and have nurtured a deep understanding of how design can permeate into all aspects and hold everything together under the broad umbrella of a brand. Our love for working in environments has brought us an unusual set of projects and it has also let us gain experience in territories where we interface with other professionals – architects, museum designers, scenographers, set designers and large scale illustrators. This newsletter issue dips into the world beyond us.

How is branding created in a fast-paced world where change is the need of the minute? In my contribution Branding Posthuman, I compare the evolution of mankind and branding and propose a fluid need for branding. We bring you an exclusive interview with Amardeep Behl of Design Habit – Museums of the Future where he speaks evocatively of the immense possibilities of transforming museum experiences. Dive into the next installment of our exclusive study and paper The Brand New Face of the Millennial – Part 2. This time we examine three traits of the millennial – their conflicting persona between easy-going yet dogged, the shift from real to virtual and how they are savvy about branding themselves online. Our monthly Forum in June had a host of interesting speakers and we share the tidbits of the confluence in Crossroads to Creative Directions. Do sample and write back with your views!

With good wishes,

Anthony Lopez

Branding posthuman
Museums of the future
The brand new face of the Indian millennial – part 2
Cross roads creative journeys